Step 1: Greeting the Customer

“Hi there! Welcome to [Store Name]. I’m [Your Name]. How can I assist you in finding the perfect pair today?”

🌟 Pro Tip: Start with a warm, genuine greeting to make the customer feel welcome.

Step 2: Identifying Customer Needs

Ask open-ended questions to understand what the customer is looking for.

Example Questions:

🗣️ Pro Tip: Listen actively and take notes if possible to remember key details.

Step 3: Suggesting Additional Styles or Accessories

Based on the customer's needs, suggest complementary products.

Example Suggestion:

“These running shoes would pair perfectly with our moisture-wicking socks and supportive insoles. Would you like to take a look at those as well?”

Pro Tip: Use the principle of "Give Value First" by offering products that enhance their initial choice.

Step 4: Handling Customer Responses

Based on their response, follow one of the paths below:

Customer Interested in Additional Items

“Great choice! Let me show you these socks and insoles that will enhance your comfort and performance.”

📈 Book Insight: Emphasize how the additional items add value to their initial purchase.

Instruction: Proceed to Step 5: Presenting the Additional Items.

Customer Not Interested

“No problem at all! If you change your mind, feel free to ask. Let’s focus on finding the perfect pair for you.”

🔄 Redirect: Respect their choice and steer the conversation back to their primary need.

Instruction: Proceed to Step 5: Presenting Their Selected Shoes.

Customer Has Concerns or Questions

“I understand. What concerns do you have? I’m here to help you make the best choice for your needs.”

💡 Turn Questions into Value: Address their concerns thoughtfully to build trust.

Instruction: Handle objections and then proceed to Step 5.

Step 5: Presenting the Products

Show the selected shoes and any additional items, highlighting their benefits.

Example Presentation:

“These shoes offer excellent arch support and are built to last. The insoles are designed to provide extra cushioning, and the socks will keep your feet dry during intense activities.”

👟 Pro Tip: Use vivid descriptions and relate features to benefits that matter to the customer.

Step 6: Addressing Common Objections

Be prepared to handle typical customer objections.

Common Objections and Responses:

Price is Too High

“I understand budget is important. These shoes are an investment in your comfort and performance. Plus, we have a loyalty program that can help you save on future purchases.”

💰 Value Focus: Emphasize the long-term benefits and available savings.

Instruction: Offer solutions like discounts or loyalty programs and then proceed to Step 7.

Not Sure About the Fit

“I can help you find the perfect fit. Let’s try them on together, and if you’re still unsure, we can explore other styles that might suit you better.”

👟 Proactive Assistance: Offer to assist with sizing and provide assurance.

Instruction: Facilitate the fitting process and ensure comfort, then proceed to Step 7.

Need to Think About It

“I understand. Take your time to decide. If you have any questions or need further assistance, I’m here to help. Can I provide you with some information to take home?”

Respect Their Decision: Provide information and offer to follow up later.

Instruction: Offer to leave brochures or contact information and proceed to Step 8: Closing the Interaction.

Step 7: Closing the Sale

If the customer is satisfied, guide them towards completing the purchase.

Example Closing:

“I’m glad you like them! Would you like to proceed with the purchase now? We can also add the insoles and socks at a discounted rate today.”

🤝 Pro Tip: Be confident and clear when asking for the sale.

Step 8: Closing the Interaction

Regardless of the outcome, end the interaction positively.

Example Closings:

😊 Leave a Positive Impression: Ensure the customer feels valued and respected.

Step 9: Follow-Up and Building Loyalty

Maintain the relationship for future sales and referrals.

Follow-Up Actions:

📅 Pro Tip: Use a call journal to track interactions and plan follow-ups effectively.